YI has a complex history involving Domestic Violence (DV) related offences. She suffers from long-term mental health and drug addiction issues. James Castillo represented YI in relation to charges of ‘Common assault’, contrary to s 61 Crimes Act 1900 and ‘Contravene AVO’, contrary to s 14(1) Crimes (domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2001. YI was serving 2 Community Corrections Order’s (CCO’s) and an Intensive Corrections Order (ICO) at the time of offending.
James tendered a psychological report and made oral submissions on YI’s behalf. Her Honour then proceeded to Sentence YI on both charges. Ultimately, Her Honour imposed a Community Corrections Order for the duration of 18 months on the condition that YI continue with rehabilitation and psychiatric treatment.
This is an outstanding result. Particularly given YI has a substantial history of DV and contravention of AVO offences and was serving 2 CCO’s and an ICO when charged with the offences.