O'Brien Hudson Solicitors Team



William O'Brien - Senior Solicitor

William O’Brien established his first criminal law firm over 37 years ago, and has continued to strengthen O’Brien Hudson Solicitors into the highly esteemed practice it is today. William is considered one of the most capable solicitors currently practising, evident in his client success rates.

William has a wealth of expertise in all criminal matters, large and small. He has appeared as a key solicitor in some of Australia’s most notorious drug importation and murder cases. William often chooses to act for individuals facing criminal charges who have lived an otherwise blameless life, allowing them to maintain a clear criminal record and their freedom. He specialises in successful Bail Applications and Good Behaviour Bonds, striving to achieve the best possible result for his clients.


Christopher Cole - Managing Partner

Christopher is the Managing Partner of O’Brien Hudson Solicitors. Christopher has worked at the firm for 8 years, having commenced employment with the firm in 2011.


Christopher practises exclusively in matters of, and related to, Criminal law. He has extensive knowledge and experience in all criminal matters (both State and Commonwealth), including (but not limited to) drug offences, driving offences, fraud offences, offences of violence (including murder, assaults and domestic violence), Proceeds of Crime matters, Appeals (both Severity & Conviction) to the District Court and Court of Criminal Appeal, as well applications to the High Court of Australia. He has a sound knowledge of applications made pursuant to the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act and other associated applications.

If a friend or family member is in custody and needs Bail, Christopher is an expert on Release Applications, and has a very comfortable success rate, particularly in the Supreme Court.

Apart from strictly criminal matters, Christopher has extensive knowledge in Administrative Appeal matters, including matters in the Occupational Division and the Administrative & Equal Opportunity Division. Christopher accepts matters on a private basis, as well as Legal Aid.

James Castillo


James Castillo is a solicitor who recently joined the firm. His strong criminal law foundation was built from his rich experience working at the Aboriginal Legal Service.

He has experience working in both Local and District Court matters. He has acted for clients in Hearings and appeared in Sentences in both Local & District Court matters. He deals with a range of offences from driving and drug offences to armed robbery.

James is highly efficient and organised in dealing with his clients’ matters. He ensures his clients are well-represented in court with consistent follow through on the status of their matters.